أفضل سعر مضمون!

Ensana Life

Loyalty Membership Program

Our new membership program rewards your loyalty with discounts and other benefits. The more you stay with us, the higher the discount. Membership makes taking care of your health even more rewarding. Our basic loyalty membership level comes with unlimited expiry, regular newsletters, special deals, health related articles and other interesting news.

Easy To Join

  • Simple enrolment process
  • Easy administration (wallet function)
  • Easy online booking process
  • Free virtual loyalty card 7 membership

Stay With Us & Pay Less

  • Membership starts immediately
  • Stay with us and save up to 20%
  • Book any of our flash sale deals
  • Enjoy further benefits

Unlimited Benefits

  • Access to best supersaver offers
  • Available in Ensana

Level up & get even more…

Discounts & Benefits

Discounts and benefits of the program are granted to members in the easiest and most convenient way. A special promotion code is shared when we send you the virtual card, with this special promo code and by providing your virtual card number you can book the services in our hotels. (Guest data and status of membership is checked during the registration in the hotel.)

Ensana Life members who book accommodation through intermediate, 3rd party companies (online / offline travel agents) are not eligible for accommodation discounts. Members can receive membership discounts on the hotel’s other services (such as restaurants, spa, wellness, café, etc.) and accommodation bookings which are made directly with the hotel.

Further Information

As a loyalty member, you are entitled for to various discounts, and you will also be able to have additional services free of charge and enjoy pampering, relaxing, health supporting stays in our hotel. You will have access to our quarterly flash sales, with unbelievably attractive rates, with special terms and conditions (no deposit, free cancellation, etc.)

For further information please contact [email protected], our colleagues will be more than happy to assist you.


.يرجى الاتصال بنا بخصوص أي سؤال يتعلق بفنادقنا أو خدماتنا في Ensana. للأسئلة والأجوبة المتعلقة ببرنامج الولاء الخاص بنا ، يرجى النقر هنا
طرح سؤال


.أرسل لنا استفسارك ، من أجل إعداد أفضل عرض ممكن لك. سنكون سعداء لمشاركة أي معلومات أخرى لم تجدها على موقعنا
إرسال استفسار


.احجز أفضل عروضنا هنا. إذا كنت ترغب في الانضمام إلى برنامج الولاء الخاص بنا للحصول على مزيد من الخصومات أو المزايا ، أو ترغب فقط في تلقي رسائل إخبارية حول جميع الأخبار ، انقر هنا
احجز الآن