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3 Star Hotel

Термална вода
Лечебна кал

The Splendid Health Spa Hotel is an institution among the health hotels in Piešťany. Since 1971, this favourite with our regular guests has offered very good 3* comfort, excellent local cuisine and quality health and spa holidays at an affordable price.

Здравни услуги
Зали за срещи
Подземен паркинг
Подходящо за домашни любимци
СПА център
24-часова рецепция
Уелнес услуги

Explore the Hotel

Completely renovated and expanded in 2014, Balnea Health Spa is today the most advanced and largest balneotherapy and rehabilitation centre in Central Europe and the most magnificent spa structure in Slovakia. The more than 7,000 m² structure is directly connected to the Splendid Health Spa Hotel.
Explore spa
Completely renovated and expanded in 2014, Balnea Health Spa is today the most advanced and largest balneotherapy and rehabilitation centre in Central Europe and the most magnificent spa structure in Slovakia. The more than 7,000 m² structure is directly connected to the Splendid Health Spa Hotel.
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From standard rooms to grand comfort suites, the different room types provide a wide choice between different quality levels and for different budgets. Always with you: the great view of the green parkland and swimming pool area.
Explore Rooms
From standard rooms to grand comfort suites, the different room types provide a wide choice between different quality levels and for different budgets. Always with you: the great view of the green parkland and swimming pool area.
Explore Rooms
Whether you are looking for a spa holiday, a relaxing time-out with your partner, a family holiday that combines entertainment with activity and well-being or a special programme to protect or restore your health, make sure to take a look at our convenient packages and special deals.
Explore Offers
Whether you are looking for a spa holiday, a relaxing time-out with your partner, a family holiday that combines entertainment with activity and well-being or a special programme to protect or restore your health, make sure to take a look at our convenient packages and special deals.
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Walk across the Spa Island to the town centre with its many cafés and the famous statue of the crutch breaker. Or visit one of the local cultural festivals. And if you have time and desire, try the sports offer and explore the many attractions of the region.
Explore Activities
Walk across the Spa Island to the town centre with its many cafés and the famous statue of the crutch breaker. Or visit one of the local cultural festivals. And if you have time and desire, try the sports offer and explore the many attractions of the region.
Explore Activities
The Splendid Health Spa Hotel is a great place to host a variety of events of all sizes - from exclusive strategy meetings to international product presentations or a riotous corporate party.
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The Splendid Health Spa Hotel is a great place to host a variety of events of all sizes - from exclusive strategy meetings to international product presentations or a riotous corporate party.
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Cuisine, Meals to Remember
Colonade Restaurant
Café Splendid
Special Diet?
Cuisine, Meals to Remember
At the Splendid Health Spa Hotel we serve breakfast, as well as light lunches and dinners in buffet style. In all of our restaurants you will find a rich selection of different dishes, from which you can choose freely and certainly will find something that tastes particularly good.
Cuisine, Meals to Remember
At the Splendid Health Spa Hotel we serve breakfast, as well as light lunches and dinners in buffet style. In all of our restaurants you will find a rich selection of different dishes, from which you can choose freely and certainly will find something that tastes particularly good.
Vienna, Prague, Budapest and Bratislava restaurants
Elegant and classy style of our restaurants will make you experince not only good atmosphric vibes and memories but also leave you healthy. Inspired by stunning European capitals these four restaurants will give you their best city vibes combined with healthy taste of Piešťany.
Vienna, Prague, Budapest and Bratislava restaurants
Elegant and classy style of our restaurants will make you experince not only good atmosphric vibes and memories but also leave you healthy. Inspired by stunning European capitals these four restaurants will give you their best city vibes combined with healthy taste of Piešťany.
Colonade Restaurant
This restaurant offers a pleasant elegant and classy atmosphere with a selection of modern gastronomic dishes from Slovak and International cuisines, and monthly seasonal specialties. You can also enjoy our "Schnitzel"-menu with a large selection of different schnitzels. Guests can also enjoy its chic ambience on the outdoor summer terrace.
Colonade Restaurant
This restaurant offers a pleasant elegant and classy atmosphere with a selection of modern gastronomic dishes from Slovak and International cuisines, and monthly seasonal specialties. You can also enjoy our "Schnitzel"-menu with a large selection of different schnitzels. Guests can also enjoy its chic ambience on the outdoor summer terrace.
Café Splendid
Enjoy fantastic strudel and delicious coffee at Café Splendid. Cosy red armchairs with brown and cherry coloured pillows for more comfort, traditional bar counter and low glass tables are made specially for an afternoon chill out or evening cocktail after the long day of treatments.
Café Splendid
Enjoy fantastic strudel and delicious coffee at Café Splendid. Cosy red armchairs with brown and cherry coloured pillows for more comfort, traditional bar counter and low glass tables are made specially for an afternoon chill out or evening cocktail after the long day of treatments.
Special Diet?
You refrain from eating meat or have special wishes for your diet? It goes without saying that the kitchen will cater to your individual dietary requirements. Just let us know at the time of booking or any time before your arrival and our kitchen team will be happy to adjust to your special requests.
Special Diet?
You refrain from eating meat or have special wishes for your diet? It goes without saying that the kitchen will cater to your individual dietary requirements. Just let us know at the time of booking or any time before your arrival and our kitchen team will be happy to adjust to your special requests.

Как можем да Ви помогнем

Мускули, кости и стави
Кожа и алергии
Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм
Дишане и дихателни пътища
Нервна система
Гинекология и женско здраве
Онкология и ракови заболявания
Урология и простата
Храносмилателни разстройства

Мускули, кости и стави

Здравословни проблеми:

Болки в гърба, ставите, врата, раменете, таза, артрит, ревматизъм, остеопороза, дегенеративни заболявания, следоперативно възстановяване, мускули, кости и стави


Функционални тренировки и физиотерапия, раздвижване и противовъзпалителни процедури, минерална вода или лечебна кал за облекчаване на болката и повишаване на подвижността.

Кожа и алергии

Здравословни проблеми:

Кожни заболявания, псориазис, невродермит, атопична екзема, акне


Бани с вода и кал, съдържаща солена вода, мехлеми и фототерапии, които помагат за облекчаване на симптомите на кожните заболявания.

Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм

Здравословни проблеми:

Метаболизъм, вътрешни органи и метаболизъм, кръвоносни съдове, имунна система, съединителна тъкан


Лечебни питейни и спа процедури, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Дишане и дихателни пътища

Здравословни проблеми:

Дишане и дихателни пътища, хронични респираторни проблеми, алергии, настинки, инфекции на дихателните пътища


Леченията с инхалации с природни средства като соли и етерични масла са много успешни за облекчаване на симптомите.


Здравословни проблеми:

Кръвообращение, високо кръвно налягане, артериосклероза


Здравословни и спа процедури, здравословна среда, програми с целеви занимания и функционални тренировки, здравословна диета и отпускащи процедури, придружени от медицинска грижа.

Нервна система

Здравословни проблеми:

Нервна система, парализа, соматосензорни разстройства


Целева рехабилитация, стабилизиране или вторично трениране на научени функции за постигане на висока степен на независимост.

Гинекология и женско здраве

Здравословни проблеми:

Гинекология, менструални оплаквания, уринарна инконтиненция, рехабилитация след гинекологични операции.


Лечебният торф има антибактериални свойства, стимулира кръвообращението и има антиспазматичен ефект, с което успокоява различни гинекологични разстройства.

Онкология и ракови заболявания

Здравословни проблеми:

Онкология, рак на гърдата, хронична левкимия, множествен миелом, лимфом


Укрепване на имунната система, повишаване на издръжливостта, успокояване на психиката – това са само част от ползите за онкоболните.

Урология и простата

Здравословни проблеми:

Урология, пикочен мехур, простата, бъбреци


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Храносмилателни разстройства

Здравословни проблеми:

Храносмилателни разстройства


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Хотели в Пиещяни


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