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An unforgettable experience in Sovata

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Гаранция за най-добра цена!


3 Star Hotel

Солена вода
Лечебна кал

Hotel Ursina is located in the heart of Romania, in Sovata. Health seekers have been on pilgrimage to the famous Ursu Lake for decades, to make treatments with its salt water or therapeutic mud at Ensana Hotels. Both salt water and therapeutic mud help to combat rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. The Hotel Ursina offers a spacious spa with salt water treatments, a wellness pool, Kneipp pools and a generous sauna and therapy area for medical and maintenance treatments.

Здравни услуги
Зали за срещи
СПА център
24-часова рецепция
Уелнес услуги


Explore the hotel

Guests of Ursina Health Spa Hotel have plenty of relaxation. Swimming pools, saunas, relaxation room, massage parlors and invigorating therapies.
Explore Spa
Guests of Ursina Health Spa Hotel have plenty of relaxation. Swimming pools, saunas, relaxation room, massage parlors and invigorating therapies.
Explore Spa
The 144 completely renovated rooms of Hotel Ursina stand out in a modern, fresh and youthful style. The presence of wood creates a warm atmosphere, while pastel colors are matched with lively accents and touches of copper.
Explore rooms
The 144 completely renovated rooms of Hotel Ursina stand out in a modern, fresh and youthful style. The presence of wood creates a warm atmosphere, while pastel colors are matched with lively accents and touches of copper.
Explore rooms
Whether you're looking for a holiday at a spa, a relaxing break with your partner, looking for a family vacation that combines entertainment with activities and well-being, or looking for a special program to protect or help you to recover your health, do not miss our exceptional packages and special offers.
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Whether you're looking for a holiday at a spa, a relaxing break with your partner, looking for a family vacation that combines entertainment with activities and well-being, or looking for a special program to protect or help you to recover your health, do not miss our exceptional packages and special offers.
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Bear Lake lies on a salt foundation. It was formed between 1875 and 1880. At the bottom of the lake, the salt concentration reaches 300g / l, a value comparable to that of the Dead Sea, which gradually decreases to the surface. The salt water is covered by a layer of 10-15 cm of fresh water from rainfall and streams around the lake. This layer acts as a thermal barrier, concentrating the sun's rays like a lens to a depth of 2 meters. This phenomenon is called heliothermia.

Explore activities

Bear Lake lies on a salt foundation. It was formed between 1875 and 1880. At the bottom of the lake, the salt concentration reaches 300g / l, a value comparable to that of the Dead Sea, which gradually decreases to the surface. The salt water is covered by a layer of 10-15 cm of fresh water from rainfall and streams around the lake. This layer acts as a thermal barrier, concentrating the sun's rays like a lens to a depth of 2 meters. This phenomenon is called heliothermia.

Explore activities
Romanians like parties. Enjoy relaxed, well-rounded events in Sovata and immerse yourself in the cheerful atmosphere of the locals. Add a variety of variety to your spa vacation and learn more about Sovata life and festivities.
Romanians like parties. Enjoy relaxed, well-rounded events in Sovata and immerse yourself in the cheerful atmosphere of the locals. Add a variety of variety to your spa vacation and learn more about Sovata life and festivities.


Healthy food
Breakfast lunch dinner
Cafe Bar
Healthy and delicious cuisine
At Ursina Health Spa Hotel, the chef knows exactly how to pamper you. More precisely, with a culinary offer that combines the best of the refined local gastronomy with the international specialties. The menu offers dishes that are not only delicious but also very healthy. Fresh seasonal ingredients are prepared as carefully as possible, preserving their excellent taste and important nutrients.
Healthy and delicious cuisine
At Ursina Health Spa Hotel, the chef knows exactly how to pamper you. More precisely, with a culinary offer that combines the best of the refined local gastronomy with the international specialties. The menu offers dishes that are not only delicious but also very healthy. Fresh seasonal ingredients are prepared as carefully as possible, preserving their excellent taste and important nutrients.
Pure delight at every meal
Breakfast in the Mint Restaurant will be to your liking every day. You will have a rich buffet with everything you need to start the day right: healthy cereal and bread specialties, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-sugar jams, energy-giving egg dishes, selected sausages and cheeses, various fresh fruit juices and dairy products.
Pure delight at every meal
Breakfast in the Mint Restaurant will be to your liking every day. You will have a rich buffet with everything you need to start the day right: healthy cereal and bread specialties, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-sugar jams, energy-giving egg dishes, selected sausages and cheeses, various fresh fruit juices and dairy products.
Menta Restaurant
The Menta Restaurant has a contemporary design and a welcoming atmosphere. The restaurant’s full-length glass façade offers plenty of natural light, and the various buffet-style options are sure to satisfy your tastes. During dinner, guests can enjoy live music. Breakfast 7 am - 10:30 am Lunch 1 pm - 3 pm Dinner 6 pm - 10:30 pm
Menta Restaurant
The Menta Restaurant has a contemporary design and a welcoming atmosphere. The restaurant’s full-length glass façade offers plenty of natural light, and the various buffet-style options are sure to satisfy your tastes. During dinner, guests can enjoy live music. Breakfast 7 am - 10:30 am Lunch 1 pm - 3 pm Dinner 6 pm - 10:30 pm
Lavender Bar
At Lavanda Bar, we offer a full range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and coffee. Schedule Lavender Bar 8 am - 10 pm
Lavender Bar
At Lavanda Bar, we offer a full range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and coffee. Schedule Lavender Bar 8 am - 10 pm

Как можем да Ви помогнем

Мускули, кости и стави
Кожа и алергии
Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм
Дишане и дихателни пътища
Нервна система
Гинекология и женско здраве
Онкология и ракови заболявания
Урология и простата
Храносмилателни разстройства

Мускули, кости и стави

Здравословни проблеми:

Болки в гърба, ставите, врата, раменете, таза, артрит, ревматизъм, остеопороза, дегенеративни заболявания, следоперативно възстановяване, мускули, кости и стави


Функционални тренировки и физиотерапия, раздвижване и противовъзпалителни процедури, минерална вода или лечебна кал за облекчаване на болката и повишаване на подвижността.

Кожа и алергии

Здравословни проблеми:

Кожни заболявания, псориазис, невродермит, атопична екзема, акне


Бани с вода и кал, съдържаща солена вода, мехлеми и фототерапии, които помагат за облекчаване на симптомите на кожните заболявания.

Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм

Здравословни проблеми:

Метаболизъм, вътрешни органи и метаболизъм, кръвоносни съдове, имунна система, съединителна тъкан


Лечебни питейни и спа процедури, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Дишане и дихателни пътища

Здравословни проблеми:

Дишане и дихателни пътища, хронични респираторни проблеми, алергии, настинки, инфекции на дихателните пътища


Леченията с инхалации с природни средства като соли и етерични масла са много успешни за облекчаване на симптомите.


Здравословни проблеми:

Кръвообращение, високо кръвно налягане, артериосклероза


Здравословни и спа процедури, здравословна среда, програми с целеви занимания и функционални тренировки, здравословна диета и отпускащи процедури, придружени от медицинска грижа.

Нервна система

Здравословни проблеми:

Нервна система, парализа, соматосензорни разстройства


Целева рехабилитация, стабилизиране или вторично трениране на научени функции за постигане на висока степен на независимост.

Гинекология и женско здраве

Здравословни проблеми:

Гинекология, менструални оплаквания, уринарна инконтиненция, рехабилитация след гинекологични операции.


Лечебният торф има антибактериални свойства, стимулира кръвообращението и има антиспазматичен ефект, с което успокоява различни гинекологични разстройства.

Онкология и ракови заболявания

Здравословни проблеми:

Онкология, рак на гърдата, хронична левкимия, множествен миелом, лимфом


Укрепване на имунната система, повишаване на издръжливостта, успокояване на психиката – това са само част от ползите за онкоболните.

Урология и простата

Здравословни проблеми:

Урология, пикочен мехур, простата, бъбреци


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Храносмилателни разстройства

Здравословни проблеми:

Храносмилателни разстройства


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Хотели в Совата


Моля, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас за въпроси, свързани с нашите хотели Ensana или предлаганите от нас услуги. За консултации и отговори, свързани с нашата програма за лоялност, моля, посетете нашата страница тук.
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