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Balneotherapy, Hydrotherapy

Dry Water Massage (Hydrojet)

What is dry water massage?

Dry hydro massage takes place in a special tub that is covered with a thick waterproof membrane (Hydrojet is the name of the brand). You do not undress before lying down in the tub. The currents of warm water move under the membrane, so you stay completely dry during the treatment. To make the treatment as effective and pleasant as possible, the temperature, force and direction of the water spray can be adjusted. The massage usually has a specified weight limit, so if you are significantly overweight, please note this in advance so that you don't leave disappointed.

How does dry water massage help?

This type of water massage is more comfortable for patients than a traditional water massage in a tub or hot tub, as they don't have to undress. It is also available for patients with sensitive skin or certain skin conditions who are unable to receive a water massage or traditional dry massage. It has similar soothing effects to traditional treatments.

Dry Water Massage (Hydrojet) available at 8 Ensana hotels


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