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Hévíz's Natural Resources

Thermal water and unique healing mud for locomotor disorders

Thermal Water
Healing Mud

Natural Healing Resource

Thermal Water

The warm lake water hovers between 32 and 34 degrees Celsius, an ideal temperature for keeping body systems in balance. The blend of dissolved and gaseous substances: mainly calcium, magnesium, sulphur, hydrogen carbonate and carbonic acid makes the water rich in health-giving bacteria. This mix also keeps it unusually physically heavy, causing hydrostatic pressure on limbs to boost blood and lymph circulation. The gas bubbles in the water penetrate skin to support the nervous system, and they evaporate, mixing with oxygen in the air, to create natural inhalation therapy.

Natural Healing Resource

Healing Mud

Hévíz peat mud carpets the bottom of the lake, in places 7 metres thick, after millennia of geological and biological processes. This soft, dark grey mud is packed onto body parts, acting as local heat therapy for easing swollen joints and muscular tension while also supplying nutrients to cartilage and connective tissue. Experiments with Hévíz mud have proved its anti-ageing effects on skin: stimulating cell metabolism and generating collagen for a soft and renewed complexion.

Feet wrapped in healing mud


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