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Muscles, Bones & Joints

Increase mobility and release muscle tension

Increase mobility and release muscle tension

Muscles, Bones & Joints

Lack of movement, the trauma of an accident or continuous stress and strain are the main causes of a variety of symptoms affecting the musculoskeletal system. The frequent degenerative complaints are accompanied by inflammation and other symptoms of overload such as wear and tear on cartilage or arthritic changes, so that the demands of everyday life often become agony. Things become arduous and heartbreaking, and the vicious cycle of the lack of everyday movement and limited mobility through poor posture to get some relief begins. Most notably, through activation of the musculoskeletal system, mobilisation and treatment with the aid of anti-inflammatory remedies such as mineral water or healing mud, these are all promising in terms of reducing the pain and increasing mobility treatments.

Find perfect treatment for you

Most notably, through activation of the musculoskeletal system, mobilisation and treatment with the aid of anti-inflammatory remedies such as mineral water or healing mud, these are all promising in terms of reducing the pain and increasing mobility treatments.

Back Pain

Do you suffer from regular back pain, tense muscles and a stiff neck? Have you tried many things, but nothing has had a lasting effect?


Neck Pain

Do you suffer from muscle tension and stiffness in the neck, shoulders or hips? Do you have a typical seating profession, which also brings with it a lot of professional stress? You exercise too little, eat irregularly and usually too fast? You may have had a car accident, but not much happened and you did not undergo any aftercare?



Do you have to contend with stiff, swollen and aching joints in the morning? Are your wrist and finger joints inflamed? Do you feel tired and unwell?



Rheumatic diseases cause a whole range of unpleasant complaints including swelling, stiffness, rashes, misalignment of the joints and limitations of movement. Often muscular tension, spinal strain and inflammation of the eyes or internal organs may well appear. Did you know about all of this?



Therapy for osteoporosis is one of the main areas of focus at most Ensana Health Spa hotels. We treat osteoporosis at Mariánské Lázně in the Czech Republic, at Piešťany in Slovakia, in all our health spa centres in Budapest, as well as in the other Hungarian health spa resorts of Hévíz and Sárvár. Also, in Sovata in Romania, two our hotels offer currative treatments for osteoporosis.



Have you had surgery and want to resume your normal life as soon as possible? Are you looking for postoperative therapy to improve strength, endurance, coordination and stability of your muscles? Do you want to completely restore your joint functions?


Doctor's Quote

"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy Grand Margaret Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest

Doctor's Quote

"We are specialists in all conditions of the locomotive system - and related nervous system. Alongside our therapies, we also believe in rest, revitalisation and the celebration of life for our mental happiness, that in turn supports our physical health. A stay in Piešt’any can offer all of this."

MUDr. Olga Maceková
Doctor, Balneology Piešťany, Slovakia

Doctor's Quote

"We offer ’spa rehabilitation’ with great success for guests post hip, knee and other locomotive surgeries. The potential of our spas for rehabilitation is immense."

MD Pavel Knára
Emeritus Senior Consultant Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně

Doctor's Quote

"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy Grand Margaret Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest

Doctor's Quote

"We are specialists in all conditions of the locomotive system - and related nervous system. Alongside our therapies, we also believe in rest, revitalisation and the celebration of life for our mental happiness, that in turn supports our physical health. A stay in Piešt’any can offer all of this."

MUDr. Olga Maceková
Doctor, Balneology Piešťany, Slovakia

Doctor's Quote

"We offer ’spa rehabilitation’ with great success for guests post hip, knee and other locomotive surgeries. The potential of our spas for rehabilitation is immense."

MD Pavel Knára
Emeritus Senior Consultant Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně

Doctor's Quote

"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy Grand Margaret Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest

Doctor's Quote

"We are specialists in all conditions of the locomotive system - and related nervous system. Alongside our therapies, we also believe in rest, revitalisation and the celebration of life for our mental happiness, that in turn supports our physical health. A stay in Piešt’any can offer all of this."

MUDr. Olga Maceková
Doctor, Balneology Piešťany, Slovakia

Doctor's Quote

"We offer ’spa rehabilitation’ with great success for guests post hip, knee and other locomotive surgeries. The potential of our spas for rehabilitation is immense."

MD Pavel Knára
Emeritus Senior Consultant Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně


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