Support your kidney, bladder or prostate – naturally
For over a century, Marienbad spa doctors have been treating urinary tract problems. Drinking the carbonated mineral waters from our Rudolph and Karolina Springs is proven to help the kidneys clean the blood. This gentle drinking cure flushes out the “sand” that could otherwise clump together into large, painful stones. Our cures are particularly effective for relieving chronic bladder infections and speeding up recovery after surgery on the prostate, bladder or kidneys.
Speedy recovery after surgery
Although drinking cures alone cannot dissolve kidney stones, they do aid recovery after a lithotriptic procedure. Drinking our waters also boosts blood circulation and immunity. Dry gas baths can help to heal surgical scars. And physiotherapy can strengthen abdominal walls or a pelvic floor damaged by surgery.
Caution: anyone with advanced kidney failure (or otherwise on dialysis) must avoid drinking cures all together. Please consult one of our spa doctors for advice on which of our therapies will be the most safe and gentle.