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Mineral Spring Water

Efficient natural remedy with stress-reducing effects

Efficient natural remedy with stress-reducing effects

Mineral Spring Water

Spring waters either bubble up from naturally occurring springs, or get pumped to the earth’s surface in our spa destinations in Czech Republic and Slovakia.

These waters contain high levels of minerals (an average of 15mg per litre), plus gases and micro elements that are dissolved in the water as it passes through underground rock.

In contrast to thermal water, mineral spring water is colder - less that 20 degrees Celsius at source - and contains less-dissolved particles.

Mineral water at our Smrdáky spa in Slovakia has an exceptionally high concentration of hydrogen sulphide which has a profound healing effect on all types of skin conditions. The mineral content is so strong that the water is diluted before use in bathing therapies.

Drinking Cures

Drinking cures are recommended for:

  • Subacute and chronic conditions
  • Regulating a full spectrum of body processes
  • stomach, bowel, kidney, liver function
  • urinary tract, circulatory, respiratory and gynaecological issues

This type of treatment – especially popular in Mariánské Láznē – helps with digestive and metabolic disorders and has curative effects on kidney and urinary tract conditions, but can also be helpful with circulatory diseases, certain diseases of the respiratory tract and gynaecological problems.

Mineral Baths

Mineral baths are used for:

  • ailments of the muscular skeletal system
  • orthopaedic or accident rehabilitation
  • digestive or circulatory concerns
  • stress and anxiety
  • skin conditions
  • arthritic complaints

Doctor's Quote

"The spa industry, using natural healing sources, is a vital part of modern medicine. Here we use mineral spring water, our unique natural carbon dioxide and periods with astounding results on many aspects of health and healing."
Pavel Knára, M.D.
Emeritus Senior Consultant at Health Spa Hotel Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně

Different Destinations

Mariánské Lázně
Mariánské Lázně
There are 40 different cold water springs in Mariánské Lázně itself, and 100 throughout the district. They have different chemical compositions - rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, carbon dioxide or salt for example, which means they can benefit a wide variety of conditions most commonly in the famous medicinal drinking cure (between 1.5 and two litres daily) but also through bathing and inhalation therapies.
Explore Mariánské Lázně
Mariánské Lázně
There are 40 different cold water springs in Mariánské Lázně itself, and 100 throughout the district. They have different chemical compositions - rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, carbon dioxide or salt for example, which means they can benefit a wide variety of conditions most commonly in the famous medicinal drinking cure (between 1.5 and two litres daily) but also through bathing and inhalation therapies.
Explore Mariánské Lázně
The mineral water in Smrdáky is one of the most concentrated hydrogen sulphide waters in Europe (680mg/l) and has a total content of 3400 mg of mineral substances per litre. Two sources of the cold (temperature 13 °C) hydrogen sulphide water - called Jozef I. and Jozef II. - are used at Smrdáky Spa. The high sulphurous content and the additional minerals make it exceptionally effective for the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and acne, and intense chronic mobility disorders.
Explore Smrdáky
The mineral water in Smrdáky is one of the most concentrated hydrogen sulphide waters in Europe (680mg/l) and has a total content of 3400 mg of mineral substances per litre. Two sources of the cold (temperature 13 °C) hydrogen sulphide water - called Jozef I. and Jozef II. - are used at Smrdáky Spa. The high sulphurous content and the additional minerals make it exceptionally effective for the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and acne, and intense chronic mobility disorders.
Explore Smrdáky


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