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Physical Therapy, Electromagnetic Field


What is Biostimul/Repuls

This progressive phototherapy method utilises the efficiency of polarised light. The light source used is an intensely bright LED with a red monochromatic light (610-670 nm) and a special polarising film. This enables more than double the depth of penetration into the soft tissue in comparison to polychromatic devices.

How Biostimul/Repuls helps

The monochromatic light stimulates the tissue metabolism leading to the increased formation of collagen fibres (wound healing), new formation and widening of blood and lymphatic vessels (improved perfusion), increased production of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substances and also increased resistance against infections.


Medical prescription: required

More information about treatment including indications and contraindications

Advisable for:

Musculoskeletal diseases (painful, inflammatory or degenerative conditions), orthopaedic and accident rehabilitation, chronic skin defects (leg ulcers, bed sores, poorly healing wounds, etc.), eczema, acne, herpes, psoriasis, vitiligo, alopecia, skin moulds, scars, depression, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, common cold

Not advisable for:

Increased function of the endocrine glands (e.g. thyroid, adrenal), photoallergy, solar herpes, photodermatoses, lupus erythematodes, eye inflammations, retinal problems, consumption of photosensibilising drugs, corticosteroids, cytostatics or immunomodulators, organ transplants, epilepsy, psychosis, alcohol or drug abuse, incapacitation


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