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HR Contacts

Ensana Health Spa Hotels

HR departmentE-mailPhone numberOpen hoursAddress
HR department:
United Kingdom
E-mail:[email protected]Phone number:+44 1298 808 999Open hours:8:00-16:00Address:The Crescent, Buxton SK17 6BH, Buxton UK
HR department:
Czech Republic
E-mail:[email protected]Phone number:+420 722982716Open hours:8:00-16:00Address:Masarykova 22, 353 01 Mariánské Lázně CZ
HR department:
E-mail:[email protected]Phone number:+40 265570623Open hours:8:00-16:00Address:Trandafirilor 99, Sovata R-545 500 RO
HR department:
E-mail:[email protected]Phone number:+421 337752502Open hours:8:00-16:00Address:Winterova 29, 921 29 Piešťany SK
HR department:
E-mail:[email protected]Phone number:+36 1 8894135Open hours:8:00-16:00Address:1007 Budapest, Budapest-Margitsziget HU


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