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We do our best so you can rest!

There are many ways to relax – explore them all with us!

18-21 April – Ensana Thermal Hévíz – Easter getaway in Hévíz

Friday: Exercise and sports sessions in the morning – morning exercise, aqua fitness, spinal exercises

from 1:45 pm Revitalising guided hike in Hévíz with vitamin-rich, refreshing drinks at the end

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar

8:00 pm-10:00 pm In the evening you can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools (with extended opening hours).

from 8:00 pm Movie night in the auditorium of the hotel


9:00 am-11:00 am 'Make and take' Easter crafts programme: make Easter eggs with painting and perforation techniques

9:00 am-12:00 pm Crafts fair

Exercise sessions in the morning, and various programmes in the sauna from 1 pm

10:00 am-10:20 am Energizing Aqua Fitness at the pool

12:00 pm-12:20 pm – Stretch your muscles! – Stretching session in the Venus room

1:00 pm-3:00 pm – Special infusions from our sauna master

3:00 pm-5:00 pm You can enjoy fresh, home-baked cakes in the Ciklámen Bar

7:00 pm- 11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar, with violinist Olga Nédó from 8:40 pm.

Sunday: Festive breakfast with music, followed by an egg hunt for the young ones from 10:00 am

12:00 pm-2:00 pm Soup buffet in the restaurant

5:00 pm Easter festivities – a show by the Gyenes Folk Dance Ensemble in the lobby

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Easter Ball in the Ciklámen Bar with music by Zoltán Grósz

8:30 pm Amazing magic show in the bar by Galambos Magic

Spend this beautiful spring weekend with us and enjoy the harmony of wellness, exercise and relaxation.

18-21 April – Ensana Thermal Aqua – Eastertime with the family in Hévíz

Friday: In the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

From 2:00 pm – Revitalising guided hike in Hévíz with vitamin-rich, refreshing drinks at the end.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm – Relaxing afternoon with champagne and evergreen swing melodies with Gábor “Fari” Farkas.

7:30 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music and dance night in the hall.

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm – You can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools (with extended opening hours).

Saturday: In the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm – Discovering the toys and games of old times with the children in the Bubbles Club play area.

From 4:30 pm – a Sauna show awaits our guests with special infusions, led by a sauna master.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm – An amazing and mesmerising magic show by Galambos Magic – Ferenc Galambos.7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music in the evening in the hall.

7:30 pm - 8:00 pm – Styles of music: a special concert across genres from violinist Olga Nédó.

Sunday: between 10:00 am and 12:00 noon – Traditional crafts: making Easter eggs with paint and other techniques – demonstration and workshop.

From 10:00 am – Egg hunt in the garden.

11:00 am - 11:20 am – an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm – Interactive music show for children from Laci Juhász, with guitar and recorder music and singing.

7:20 pm - 8:00 pm – Easter festivities – a show by the Gyenes Folk Dance Ensemble.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music in the evening in the hall.

Monday: In the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music in the evening in the hall.

Bubbles Club - Thermal Aqua
During the spring break, from 17 to 27 April, there will be colourful children's programmes led by activity coordinators for the little ones!

1–4 May – Ensana Thermal Aqua – Dragon-themed weekend in Hévíz

The dragon-themed weekend is a special adventure for the little ones – this is the one and only time in the year when all the 5 Bubbles dragons visit our hotel.

Thursday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

From 2:00 pm – Springtime in nature: a guided hike on the Tavirózsa (Waterlily) educational trail.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music evening at the Quint Bár.

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm – You can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools (with extended opening hours).

Friday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm – A party with champagne and music in the lobby.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music evening at the Quint Bár.

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm – Stand-up show by Tamás Porkoláb: a light-hearted comedy show in the lobby (in Hungarian).

Saturday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

From 4:30 pm – a Sauna show awaits our guests with special infusions, led by a sauna master.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm – Salsa lesson and show with lively Latin music in the lobby

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music evening at the Quint Bár.

Sunday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

Creative and playful kids’ activities with instructors: 1-3 May.

1-4 May - Thermal Hévíz - May Day in Hévíz

Thursday: Energising and strengthening exercise sessions, a refreshing 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

12:30 pm-2:00 pm Soup buffet in the restaurant

From 1:45 pm Enjoy springtime in nature: a guided hike on the Tavirózsa (Waterlily) educational trail.

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar.

Friday: Energising and spinal exercise sessions, a 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

12:00 pm-2:00 pm Cooking session in the restaurant with chef György Fejes, where you can prepare some delicious spring dishes together (for a fee).

5:00 pm-7:00 pm 'Make and take' workshop in the lobby, where you can create a spring-themed door knocker from dried flowers.

Our visitors can also discover the products at our crafts fair.

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar.

8:30 pm Oldies but goldies: 'Fari' Gábor Farkas plays swing in the Ciklámen Bar.

Saturday: Energising exercises and stretching sessions, a 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

12:30 pm-2:00 pm Soup buffet in the restaurant

From 1 pm a Sauna show awaits our guests with special infusions, led by a sauna master

4:00 pm-6:00 pm Learn to dance salsa and enjoy some great Latin music at the Ciklámen Bar.

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar.

8:00 pm-10:00 pm In the evening you can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools while enjoying some lovely guitar music.

Sunday: Breakfast with champagne and accordion music.

6-9 June - Thermal Hévíz - Wellness weekend in Hévíz at Pentecost

Friday: Energising exercises and stretching sessions, a 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

5:00 pm-7:00 pm 'Make and take' creative workshop in the lobby, where you can make unique, spring-themed door knockers from dried flowers.

Our visitors can also discover the products at our crafts fair.

3:00 pm-6:00 pm Welcome cocktail at the Ciklámen Bar

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar

8:00 pm-10:00 pm In the evening you can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools (with extended opening hours).

Saturday: Energising exercises and stretching sessions, a 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

From 2:30 pm a Sauna show awaits our guests with special infusions, led by a sauna master

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar – fun guaranteed.

8:30 pm-9:00 pm – Music show by Gabi Szűcs at the Ciklámen Bar.


12:00 pm-2:00 pm A light summer snack at the restaurant

7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dance the night away! Live music in the evening at the Ciklámen Bar.

Monday: Energising and spinal exercise sessions, a 'vitamin bomb counter' in the Venus room, aqua fitness at the pool.

7–9 June – Ensana Thermal Aqua – Relaxation at Pentecost in Hévíz

Saturday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

From 4:30 pm – a Sauna show awaits our guests with special infusions, led by a sauna master.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm – A stroll in the Hévíz protection forest.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music in the evening in the hall.

7:30 pm - 8 pm – A show by singer Gabi Szűcs.

Sunday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

7:00 pm - 11:00 pm – Party with DJ Belo.

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm – You can bathe by romantic candlelight in the thermal pools (with extended opening hours).

Monday: in the morning: an aqua fitness class is held in the adventure pool.

7:00 pm - 10:45 pm – Live music evening at the Quint Bár.

Themed buffet dinners on Margaret Island

Thermal Margaret Island, Platán Restaurant

Discover the flavours of the world at Platán Restaurant’s themed buffet dinners on Margaret Island, where we offer authentic dishes on an all-you-can-eat basis.

28 March - Hungarian Feast : Enjoy a rich selection of traditional Hungarian dishes.

25 April - Spring overture: Celebrate the season with a fresh and flavourful spring-inspired menu.

30 May - Asparagus and strawberries: Stars of the season on our buffet table; a perfect pairing of sweet strawberries and crunchy asparagus

27 June - Spanish evening: Experience the rich flavours and traditional dishes of Spanish cuisine.

We reserve the right to change our programmes.

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