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Physiotherapy, Individual Therapies

Manipulation and Mobilisation Therapy

What is manipulation and mobilisation therapy
This is a manual technique used for the treatment of joint impingements – also called ‘blockages’ that cause pain and restrict movement. Often, these occur in the joint segments of the spine. Mobilisation means that the physiotherapist slowly moves the spinal joints within the patient’s range of motion, beginning with a small range and gradually increasing to a larger range of motion. Manipulation is also a passive technique whereby the therapist applies a specifically directed manual impulse, or thrust, to a joint at or near the end of the passive range of motion. This is often accompanied by an audible ‘crack’.

How manipulation and mobilisation help
The purpose of manipulation and mobilisation is to release the impinged segment and to restore a free movement in respective joint. The compressed nerves are set free, blood flow is normalised, thus the pain may disappear and the surrounding muscles may relax. 


Medical prescription: required

More information about treatment including indications and contraindications

Advisable for:

Musculoskeletal diseases, orthopaedic rehabilitation, neurological diseases

Not advisable for:

Infectious diseases, fever, acute inflammation, uncontrolled hypertension, epilepsy (avoid neck, elsewhere possible), severe shortness of breath, heart failure, acute thrombosis, phlebitis, leg ulcers and other skin defects, psychosis, alcohol or drug abuse, malignant tumours and blood disorders, osteoporosis


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