Záruka najlepšej ceny!


Health and spa elegance


5 Hviezdičkový Hotel

Minerálna voda
Slaná voda
Liečivé bahno

Aquahouse is located in the resort Sts. Constantine and Helena, 25 meters away from the beach. The architecture is inspired by the nature, the sea waves and the sand curves. The harmony of natural colors creates the sensation of elegance and an irresistible feeling for something yours. Newly-open in 2022, surrounded by pine trees, combines modern luxury with natural resources.

Bezbariérový prístup
Zdravotné služby
Konferenčné miestnosti
24h recepcia
Wellness služby

Explore The Hotel

The Hotel
Health Spa
Rooms & Suites
Family and kids
The Hotel

The hotel complex spreads over an area of 6 000 square meters with 11 swimming pools and water amenities discretely blending into natural green vegetation. 

At Aquahouse, you can enjoy four separate areas providing different kinds of sensations and activities; aqua, wellness, thermal and kids area

The Hotel

The hotel complex spreads over an area of 6 000 square meters with 11 swimming pools and water amenities discretely blending into natural green vegetation. 

At Aquahouse, you can enjoy four separate areas providing different kinds of sensations and activities; aqua, wellness, thermal and kids area

Health Spa

Pamper yourself in this peaceful haven where time helps reduce stress and balance every cell. Aquahouse health spa has professional therapists and rehabilitators, as well as specialists in physical and rehabilitation medicine, who will select the most suitable programmes according to your needs.

Explore Spa
Health Spa

Pamper yourself in this peaceful haven where time helps reduce stress and balance every cell. Aquahouse health spa has professional therapists and rehabilitators, as well as specialists in physical and rehabilitation medicine, who will select the most suitable programmes according to your needs.

Explore Spa
Rooms & Suites

With all 411 tastefully furnished rooms and suites overlooking the Black sea or the park indulge in relaxation and well-being.

Explore Rooms
Rooms & Suites

With all 411 tastefully furnished rooms and suites overlooking the Black sea or the park indulge in relaxation and well-being.

Explore Rooms

Aquahouse continues the long traditions of Sts.Constantine and Helena resort in the field of balneology, balneotherapy, health prevention and rehabilitation. We will prepare the most suitable therapeutic program for you.

Explore Offers

Aquahouse continues the long traditions of Sts.Constantine and Helena resort in the field of balneology, balneotherapy, health prevention and rehabilitation. We will prepare the most suitable therapeutic program for you.

Explore Offers

Oportunities for recreation and entertainment are numerous throughout the whole year. 

Explore Activities

Oportunities for recreation and entertainment are numerous throughout the whole year. 

Explore Activities
Family and kids

A family friendly hotel in Sts. Constantine and Helena doesn't get better than the Aquahouse Hotel. The kids' water heaven is here and it offers magical water adventures, wild emotions and various possibilities to have fun.

Family and kids

A family friendly hotel in Sts. Constantine and Helena doesn't get better than the Aquahouse Hotel. The kids' water heaven is here and it offers magical water adventures, wild emotions and various possibilities to have fun.



You can find the culture and history of different nations in culinary mixture in the bars and restaurants of Aquahouse hotel.

Pohybový systém
Metabolické ochorenia
Dýchacie cesty
Kardiovaskulárne problémy
Nervový systém
Poruchy trávenia

Pohybový systém


Bolesti chrbta, kĺbov, krku, ramien, bedier, artritída, reuma, osteoporóza, degeneratívne ochorenia, pooperačná rehabilitácia, svaly, kosti a kĺby.


Funkčný tréning a fyzioterapia, mobilizácia a protizápalové prostriedky, termálna voda alebo liečivé bahno zmierňujú bolesť a zvyšujú pohyblivosť.

Metabolické ochorenia


Metabolizmus, orgány a metabolizmus, cievy, imunitný systém, spojivové tkanivo.


Liečivé nápoje a kúpeľné procedúry, suché plynové kúpele a inhalácie zlepšujú príznaky a podporujú samoliečebné schopnosti.

Dýchacie cesty


Dýchanie a dýchacie cesty, chronické dýchacie problémy, alergie, prechladnutie, infekcie dýchacích ciest.


Inhalačná liečba prírodnými prostriedkami, soľami a éterickými olejmi je veľmi účinná pri zmierňovaní príznakov.

Kardiovaskulárne problémy


Prietok krvi, hypertenzia, arterioskleróza.


Kúpeľné procedúry, zdravé prostredie, cielená fyzická aktivita a programy funkčného tréningu, zdravá strava bez zbytočností a relaxačné procedúry s lekárskou podporou.

Nervový systém


Nervový systém, paralýza, somatosenzorické poruchy.


Použite cielenú rehabilitáciu na stabilizáciu alebo opätovné naučenie narušenej funkcie, aby ste dosiahli vysoký stupeň nezávislosti.

Poruchy trávenia


Poruchy trávenia.


Liečivé nápoje a kúpeľné procedúry, suché plynové kúpele a inhalácie zlepšujú príznaky a podporujú samoliečebné schopnosti.


Kontaktujte nás s akoukoľvek otázkou týkajúcou sa našich hotelov Ensana alebo služieb. Otázky a odpovede týkajúce sa nášho vernostného programu nájdete tu.
Položiť otázku


Tu si môžete rezervovať naše najlepšie ponuky. Ak sa chcete zapojiť do nášho vernostného programu a získať ďalšie zľavy, výhody alebo len chcete dostávať novinky o všetkých novinkách, kliknite sem.
Rezervovať teraz


Pošlite nám dopyt, aby sme pre vás pripravili najlepšiu možnú ponuku. Radi vám poskytneme akékoľvek ďalšie informácie, ktoré ste nenašli na našej webovej stránke.
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