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Alfons Mucha

2nd edition of the exhibition: Alfons Mucha and Photography

Alfons Maria Mucha

Alfons Maria Mucha (1860 – 1939), Czech painter, graphic artist and designer, the most important Czech painter of the European Art Nouveau and one of the defining personalities of Czech painting. The art nouveau master Mucha visited Piešťany at a time when he was already a well-known painter. Alfons Mucha came to relax to the famous spa, where the very important guests from all over the world gathered. He also worked here during his recovery stay. In Piešťany the sketches for his famous artwork “The Slavic Epic from the History of the Slavs” was created. Alfons Mucha travelled to Piešťany very often and he liked Piešťany very much.

On the photo Alfons Mucha with Ľudovít Winter during a visit to Piešt'any.

Mucha Trail

"The idea of Mucha Trail was born last year during the opening of the exposition of the Slovanské epopeje, the culminating work of my grandfather, at the chateau in Moravský Krumlov. Gradually, it should connect not only the places connected with my grandfather in South Moravia, but also other towns that made a significant mark in his life. And Piešt'any certainly belongs to Mucha Trail, because we owe the spa to the healing of Aunt Jaroslava. Alfonzo's picture Buď pozdravený, požehnaný prameň zdravia! will be one of the pearls on the necklace of Mucha Trail. I am very happy and I think that my grandfather, the creator of the first Czechoslovak stamp, should also have it, because his Piešt'any work became the model for one of the most beautiful stamps in the world." says John Mucha, president of the Mucha Foundation and grandson of Alfonz Mucha.

Piešt'any part of Mucha Trail

The opening of the Flower wolrds exhibition and the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Spa Island in 2023 marked the beginning of the presentation of the work and legacy of Alfons Mucha. The Slovak Medical Spa Piešt'any, the Trnava Self-Governing Region and the City of Piešt'any joined the international project Mucha's Way, initiated by the Mucha Foundation.

Piešt'any became the first place outside the Czech Republic to be part of the Mucha Route. The world-famous artist repeatedly returned to the local spa. Out of gratitude, he left his only large oil painting with a Slovak subject at the Thermia Palace Hotel. 

The Alfons Mucha Flower Worlds exhibition will run from 12.5. to 31.10.2024 in the exhibition hall right in the heart of the spa island in the Napoleon II building every day except Monday from 10 am till 6 pm.

The ticket price for guests accommodated at the Thermia Palace, Esplanade and Splendid hotels is already included in the price of any stay purchased during the duration of the exhibition 12.5.-31.10.2024.

The ticket price for guests accommodated at the Pro Patria and Vila Trajan hotels is 1 € per person.

Contact us:

Email: [email protected]

Tel.: +421 902 960 567

Exhibition Alfons Mucha and photography: Personal vision

This year, the Mucha Foundation presents Alfons Mucha as a photographer. Under the title Alfons Mucha and photography: Personal vision, the exhibition deals with his lifelong passion for photography. Alfons Mucha was a leading representative of Art Nouveau. What is less well known is that Mucha embarked on the path of photography long before he became famous in the French capital and continued it until the final phase of his artistic career, which culminated in the creation of the Slavic Epic. Today, the Mucha Trust collection contains more than 2500 Mucha photographs. Not only studio models, pictures of family and friends, portraits, landscapes, nature and architectural studies, but also documentary and staged photographs have been preserved.

The exhibition is organised by the Mucha Foundation, headed by the Chairman John Mucha, grandson of Alfons Mucha and Slovenské liečebné kúpele Piešt'any, which is part of the Ensana Health Spa Hotels group.

*Partners of the project: Trnavský samosprávny kraj, Balneologické múzeum Imricha Wintera, Krajská inovačná a rozvojová agentúra, Trnavský kraj zážitkov, Oblastná organizácia cestovného ruchu Rezort Piešťany, Tatrabanka, Dom umenia Piešťany, Slovenská filharmónia, Classic Coffee Piešťany, #NavštívteČesko, Respect Slovakia, Ministerstvo cestovného ruchu a športu Slovenskej republiky, Kantína kaviareň-piváreň, Klimatech.

Mucha at the Thermia Palace Hotel

Mucha's famous painting intended for the Grand Restaurant of the Thermia Palace Hotel was unveiled for the first time in May 1932. The Art Nouveau master custom-painted it in the pentagonal space above the door of the hotel restaurant. The main motif of the work is the healing of a girl sitting in a chair. A girl in Piešťany’s costume rests on his lap, and a woman in a similar costume on the right side of the painting hands the recovering girl a red rose. The girl in the chair is believed to be a depiction of the painter's daughter. It is an original painting intended for this hotel. The master painted the work and gave it to the spa hotel in gratitude for her healing and recovering.

The mysterious disappearance of the painting

Just a few years ago, it looked like this picture would never be seen again in Piešťany. The work, titled "Hail, Blessed Fountain of Health," mysteriously disappeared in October 2000. The thieves cut out the canvas and escaped through a window through the hotel's garden. An investigation has begun. The Piešťany Spa and the Balneological Museum provided the police with information about the painting, Interpol also started a search. The people of Piešťany issued a postcard with a picture of Alfonso Mucha and a text in six languages calling on people to help Interpol in the search. Piešťany greetings with Mucha's painting were delivered by post all over the world. The painting was found only after four years, in December 2004. After extensive restoration, the four-meter-wide rare paitnting was returned to its original place in 2006, to the Grand Restaurant of the five-star Thermia Palace hotel in Piešťany. Although the dealers were caught and charged for keeping the work of art, the thief, or the person who ordered the theft, could not be found. And so the disappearance of Mucha's painting still remains a mystery.


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